Saturday, April 14, 2012

Little Drops of Sunshine

It's the weekend! Yay!!! Time for peace and tranquility, relaxation and fun. We all get to take a break from our normal busy schedules and just sit back and smell the roses. Yeah right. That is what we all long for, but for most of us, the weekend is just as busy if not busier than the work week. Housework, baseball games, guests, baking, errands, piano lessons, homework, projects galore...whatever we didn't have time for during the week and MORE - that is what our weekends are like. BUT, even in the midst of the crazy, hectic, *busyness*, we can enjoy this weekend and find peace and rest and fulfillment.  Beauty is all around us. God is all around us. Our blessings are numerous. The work we do is fulfilling. We are created to work after all - not to just sit around. Let's celebrate this weekend even in all of its hectic to-do lists and open our eyes to the magic of the ordinary things.  Jesus Calling says, "You can also find many hints of heaven along your pathway, because the earth is radiantly alive with My Presence. Shimmering sunshine awakens your heart, gently reminding you of My brilliant Light. Birds and flowers, trees and skies evoke praises to My holy Name. Keep your eyes and ears fully open as you journey with Me." This weekend, I *choose* to open my eyes and find God in the little things.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So true! :) you know, I've been thinking the same things.