- Lost 15 pounds
- Visited 3 of my college friends and my sister
- Memorized John 14, 15 and part of 16
- Read through the Bible
- Completed 2o hours of course work towards my MAT with a 3.9 GPA (while simultaneously teaching full time, taking piano lessons, and serving as the church pianist)
- Made it through my first year as a teacher and half way through my second (now, if you could have met some of my students, you would know this IS an accomplishment!)
- Passed the GACE basic skills test and Content tests 1 & 2
- Read 5 educational books (including Ike, For Whom the Bell Tolls, and War and Peace)
I probably did some other stuff too, but this is what most stands out in my mind. It is always a good feeling to look back and see that I actually DID accomplish some things contrary to what it might seem. Now, for this year...(deep breath).........drum roll please!!
Oh wait - little side note before I begin - I always like to structure my goals into four main groups following Luke 2:52 "And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man." OK, without further adieu - my Goals 2010!
- Be faithful in piano practice and make lots of progress
- Graduate with my MAT
- Read at least 12 new educational books
- Practice flute at least 1 time per week
- Work on my needlework at least 1 time per week
- Work through my Piano repertoire listening list
- Lose more weight and get in shape
- Faithfully take a multi vitamin
- Improve my posture
Favor with God
- Read through the Bible
- Memorize John 16 (the rest of it), Galatians, and Ephesians
Favor with Man
- Keep in touch with my friends
- Listen to Matt read at least 1 time per week
- Spend more time investing in my family
So, there they are. As the year unfolds, I am sure that I will face challenges both expected and unexpected that will threaten to get me discouraged and off track. However, this year, I want to learn from a sermon our pastor preached and: Not judge my future by my past or present, See the Possibilities in the Problems, and Remember that my Outlook determines my Outcome. With a positive, unwavering attitude and God's grace, I am sure that I will have a successful and productive year come what may! In the words of my new favorite coffee mug, "With enough coffee and prayer, I can do anything!" :)
P.S. - If all else fails, I can always throw my resolutions out the window and claim as my mantra the cartoon below. You know it's true! :)
Great Post! Yes, it is all true! Definitely YOU! :)
This is a classic Tiffany post, if I ever saw one! :)
Glad you like your new coffee mug -- I knew it said "Tiffany" on it! :)
Once again Great Minds think alike -- check out my latest blog post! :)
I've given you a blog award! Come on over to my blog to pick it up!
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