Saturday, April 23, 2011

Playin' the fool at school

April Fool's Day just presents too many delicious opportunities for innocent mischief for a fun-loving soul like mine to miss. So, accordingly, as I realized April Fool's Day was rolling around again, I had to devise a devious plan to prank our headmaster, Mr. Bess. I spoke with the other teachers, and we came up with a brilliant though devilish plan. Here is how it all transpired:

Time: Friday, April 1, 2011, 7:30 am
Place: Byne Christian School

Teacher 1 (me) texts Mr. Bess informing him she is throwing up and has a fever and will not be able to come to school.

7:40 am - Teacher 2 texts him telling him they have a family emergency and will not be able to come in.

7:50 am - Teacher 3 texts him explaining their parents are in the hospital and they HAVE to go see them and guessed it....will not be able to come in.

7:51 am - Mr. Bess is frantically trying to find subs. Only one small problem - the school secretary is in on the joke and regretfully informs him that there are no subs to be found.

7:53 am - Mr. Bess' blood pressure rises dramatically.

7:59 am - Mr. Bess thinks his heart is going to come out of his chest.

8:03 am - Mr. Bess thinks he might have to call 911.

8:10 am - With students coming in five minutes and still no subs to be found, Mr. Bess considers asking parents in the parking lot to sub.

8:15 am - Teacher number 1 (me) drives into parking lot and prepares to exit vehicle to wait for other teachers so they can all surprise him together. At the same time, Mr. Bess heads into parking lot, blocking route of escape.

8:15 and 1/2 am - Teacher number 1 (me) tries to maintain a low profile inside her car, hoping Mr. Bess will not notice she is there.

8:16 am - Plan fails. Mr. Bess walks over to Teacher 1 (my) car. Teacher 1 is forced to open car door and say sheepishly, "Happy April Fool's Day, Mr. Bess!"

8:16 and one quarter am - Teachers 2 and 3 arrive and reiterate, "Happy April Fool's Day, Mr. Bess - we love you!"

8:16 and one half am - Pavement melts under Mr. Bess' feet.

8:17 am - Teachers now think they are having a heart attack and simultaeneously wish they had worn their running shoes that day.

8:18 am - Mr. Bess recovers his sense of humor. Teachers breathe sighs of relief as he laughs and agrees that it was a good joke.

The day continues. Teachers teach their classes and all is back to normal....or so it seems. But before the teachers leave that day, Mr. Bess warns them, "I will get even. You won't know when and you won't know how, but I WILL get even.

Teachers leave thinking that the Freedom to play April Fool's Jokes = Eternal Vigilance (or Eternal Terror, whichever way you want to look at it).

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