Today I was working on memorizing John 16. As I glibly recited the verses I have already learned, I was struck by verses 6-7: "But because I have said these things unto you, sorrow hath filled your heart. Nevertheless I tell you the truth; it is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you." God had to take something away from the disciples, something that they loved dearly - Himself, before he could give them an even greater blessing - the Comforter, the Holy Spirit - who would be with them every second, "guiding them into all truth." Yet the disciples, not realizing the intended blessing, were sorrowful, clinging to what they already had and loved. They didn't understand that momentarily painful loss was going to result in eternally satisfying joy ("and your joy no man taketh from you.") They had to lose in order to gain.
I think of how many times this has been true in my life. God has taken something I loved from me, only to give me something He knew I would love even more. While I thought my heart would break from aching loss, He whispered, "Child, just wait and see what I have for you now. Eye has not seen nor ear heard, nor could your heart ever imagine what I have prepared for you." And sure enough, blessings that I could never have imagined have become mine, gifts from The Perfect Giver, precious treasures that would have never been given if he had not seen fit to take.
Lord, help me to trust you. Help me to look beyond this moment and all its glitter and remember the best is yet to come.
Great post Tiffany! Thanks for the reminder of what a great God we have! He truly loves us and only wants the very best for us....how many great blessings have I missed because I was not willing to "give up" what I thought was so important?! May we strive to give ourselves completely to Him in this new year! Love you and thank you for your great testimony......you are indeed "blessed"!! :)
Beautiful post! You have captured the essence of our Christian walk, as we trust in the Lord no matter what valley He leads us through. The Lord has blessed you with great insight into His ways and with the ability to express your thoughts to others!
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