Monday, November 15, 2010
Gratitude Journal
32. Fresh inspiration
33. Unexpected blessings
34. Pleasant dreams
35. A fresh start every morning
36. Hope
37. A God who Never gives up on me
38. Crisp morning air
39. The sound of children's voices
40. The Determination to conquer the day
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Give Thanks With A Grateful Heart
Psalm 107:22
I have been reminded by several wise people lately that counting one's blessings is a great way to cheer one's soul. And so, this is my rather belated start to a Gratitude Journal.
1. bright, cheerful sunshine
2. The deep blue skies of fall
3. pumpkin breads, muffins, pies
4. a job I love
5. a Wonderful, Amazing "real" family
6. a Wonderful, Amazing adopted family
7. Friends who are always close in heart even when time and distance separate us
8. A Heavenly Father who delights in me and pursues me with a relentless love
9. a very warm, comfortable bed
10. My sweet little dog, Sofi
11. Pumpkin Spice Latte coffee creamer
12. Thanksgiving break is coming soon!
13. clothes, shoes, jewelry - all the fun "girly" things of life
14. Hot chocolate
15. Waffles
16. Music that speaks to my heart
17. laughter
18. the unending, ever changing and yet always the same beauty of the ocean
19. My family's new, amazing, huge house
20. movies, TV, Wii, Xbox, computers, cell phones - all the crazy technology that enhances and clutters our lives at the same time
21. Fall colors
22. Holiday decorating and baking
23. God's Word that is always relevant to my life today
24. My Crazy brothers
25. Creativity
26. My cute, cozy apartment - even though sometimes it's lonely
27. All of the children I get to impact and love every day
28.The Church I am blessed to be attending right now and all the people who are in it
29. My Mommy :) I don't know how to even summarize all that she is so I'm not going to even try - she's just simply incredible! :D
30. Memories. Heart warming, vivid, forever memories.
And I think this is a good start. More sacrifices of thanksgiving to come.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Awards are fun to get!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Treasure Lost
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Coffee, Prayer, and Possibilities
- Lost 15 pounds
- Visited 3 of my college friends and my sister
- Memorized John 14, 15 and part of 16
- Read through the Bible
- Completed 2o hours of course work towards my MAT with a 3.9 GPA (while simultaneously teaching full time, taking piano lessons, and serving as the church pianist)
- Made it through my first year as a teacher and half way through my second (now, if you could have met some of my students, you would know this IS an accomplishment!)
- Passed the GACE basic skills test and Content tests 1 & 2
- Read 5 educational books (including Ike, For Whom the Bell Tolls, and War and Peace)
I probably did some other stuff too, but this is what most stands out in my mind. It is always a good feeling to look back and see that I actually DID accomplish some things contrary to what it might seem. Now, for this year...(deep breath).........drum roll please!!
Oh wait - little side note before I begin - I always like to structure my goals into four main groups following Luke 2:52 "And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man." OK, without further adieu - my Goals 2010!
- Be faithful in piano practice and make lots of progress
- Graduate with my MAT
- Read at least 12 new educational books
- Practice flute at least 1 time per week
- Work on my needlework at least 1 time per week
- Work through my Piano repertoire listening list
- Lose more weight and get in shape
- Faithfully take a multi vitamin
- Improve my posture
Favor with God
- Read through the Bible
- Memorize John 16 (the rest of it), Galatians, and Ephesians
Favor with Man
- Keep in touch with my friends
- Listen to Matt read at least 1 time per week
- Spend more time investing in my family
So, there they are. As the year unfolds, I am sure that I will face challenges both expected and unexpected that will threaten to get me discouraged and off track. However, this year, I want to learn from a sermon our pastor preached and: Not judge my future by my past or present, See the Possibilities in the Problems, and Remember that my Outlook determines my Outcome. With a positive, unwavering attitude and God's grace, I am sure that I will have a successful and productive year come what may! In the words of my new favorite coffee mug, "With enough coffee and prayer, I can do anything!" :)
P.S. - If all else fails, I can always throw my resolutions out the window and claim as my mantra the cartoon below. You know it's true! :)